Wait List Information
We strongly encourage all potential families to visit us at the Centre. During this visit, the family will be given a tour of the Centre, our philosophy and approach will be shared. Children are encouraged to visit on this day so that they develop a sense of belonging and are able to ask questions about the Centre.
If you would like to put your child on our waiting list, visit times are from 9:30am to 10:30am, Monday to Friday.
The purpose of the visit allows families to have an opportunity to evaluate the appropriateness of the Centre in light of their educational and developmental goals for the child. It also gives our Centre an opportunity to provide families with relevant information about the Centre, the room and the educators.
Important questions you may like to know the answers too.
1. What is the ratios in the room my children may attend?
a. We have over the national quality standards requirements in each room
NQS are 1 educator to 4 children under the age of 2yrs
1 educator to 5 children under the age of 3 yrs
1 educator to 11 children under school age.
2. Do all Educators hold early childhood qualifications?
a. Yes at WECC educators hold a minimum of a Certificate 111 in Children’s Services.
Each room has a qualified Room Leader that holds a Diploma in Children Services or a
Bachelor’s/ Master’s in Teaching.
All Room Leaders are supported by a Diploma qualified Assistant
3. How does the Centre communicate with families?
a. We have an App that educators use to provide families with up to date information such as meals, rest/sleep and nappy/toileting. This is also where educators document children’s learning and development.
Educators take time on a daily basis to chat with families and share information about the child.
4. How can families be involved in the Centre
a. Through the Centre’s Management Committee, by attending monthly meeting
b. Working bees
c. Fundraising
d. Attending planned afternoon teas
e. Excursions
f. Share culture within the child’s room