The Pikler Approach

The Pikler Approach

“The Pikler Approach is based on a respectful relationship between an adult and infant, through tender care moment, a naturally paced motor development, free movement and uninterrupted play”.

Seven Principles

Lisa McKimm combines ideas from both Dr Emmi Pikler and Magda Gerber, into seven 'Pikler approach' principles in her article Emmi Pikler's Guiding Principles;

  • Full Attention – especially when involved in the Caring activity times.
  • Slow Down.
  • Build Trust, and your Relationship, during the Caring activity times.
  • ‘With’ – and not ‘To’.
  • Babies are never put into a position which they cannot get into by themselves.
  • Allow babies uninterrupted time for play.
  • Babies send us cues all the time. Tune in respectfully.

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